Nu och Då

Jag tänkte mig till Karlstad den 23e februari.
Det är nämligen lmt-reunion.
Jag är inte särskilt stolt inför min mamma och inför en del vänner och bekanta över mitt medlemsskap i lmt. Lmt ÄR en supareförening, det kan jag inte blunda för. Och jag söp. Och jag festa. Och svira. Och hade overall. Och sjöng kvinnoförnedrande och sexistiska snapsvisor. Visserligen kontrade jag, var ultrafeminist och sa vad jag tyckte och tänkte, blev ratad för det. Men jag gjorde det. Ibland orkade jag inte stå emot och det kan jag gräma mig för än idag.
Men handen på hjärtat, vem har handlat rätt under hela sin levnadstid? Finns det inte lik i garderoben hos flera? Är jag den enda som har supit,festat,svirat, haft overall och sjungit sexistiska snapsvisor? Är jag den enda som gladeligen åker 30 mil för att gå på reunion?
Visst, klart jag är mera stolt över mina diktanalyser, min c-uppsats, mina klarade tentor, mitt verk som regissör och skådespelare, mycket annat. Men det var liksom inte så att det var någon som tvingade mig att supa,festa,svira och ha overall. Jag valde det helt själv. Jag levde studentlivet fullt ut och hade jävligt roligt på kuppen.
Våren 2008 när jag skulle göra klart mina studier, äntligen, blev jag driven in i väggen, å det grövsta. Ingen vet vad som egentligen hände. På jobbet säger jag bara att jag "varit sjuk" vilket är sant. Men ingen vet på vilket sätt jag har varit sjuk. En dag kommer jag få stå till svars. Ingen kommer ändå veta vad det innebär... Jag har aldrig skadat någon, jag har inte fått några aggressiva utåtagerande utbrott, allt jag gjorde var riktat inåt. Mot mig själv, jag hoppade mellan att känna mig otroligt nöjd med mig själv och otroligt missnöjd. Det var en otrolig resa alltihopa. Ingen utom jag själv fanns med under hela resan. Några av mina kompisar fanns där i början, min mamma är nog den som fanns där den största delen. Även mina syskon och min pappa har sin del i historien. Jag har många minnen, gråtande mamma, gråtande pappa, mina syskon som håller i mig med all sin kraft för att trycka mig tillbaka in i huset, när jag bestämt ska gå en promenad, fast jag ramlar ihop av trötthet lite från och till. En sådan förskräcklig trötthet.
Jag minns andra saker... Hur jag ligger och sjunger för mig själv, sjunger och sjunger och sjunger. Målar teckningar, målar och målar och målar. Hur ingenting upplevs här och nu och på riktigt och i stunden. Hur allting är i en dimridå
DOCK: får inte glömmas....
Jag kommer också ihåg den fantastiska känslan av att vara tillbaka. Det var en så varm och ljus vår, tussilagorna lyste i gräset, fåglarna kvittrade. Mamma och jag tog en glass tillsammans på vårpromenad, avdelningen var ute på vårpromenad och jag plockade påskliljor, vi drack kaffe och mariekex. Jag kommer för alltid förknippa kaffe och mariekex med känslan av att vara tillbaka. 
Sedan minns jag förstås också bakslaget. Jag trodde verkligen att allt skulle vara som vanligt igen, men jag var märkbart medstruken av det jag gått igenom. Jag hälsade på i Karlstad men jag orkade inte gå till Bunkern. Jag åkte på Bonnafesten i Skövde men tydligen skrattade jag en gång under hela kvällen, jag var jävligt låg. Jag försökte verkligen med alla medel men Bonnafesten och Älghälga 2008 är inga ljusa minnen. Jag ville så gärna vara tillbaka men jag kände mig som om jag satt fast i en trög gammal gröt man inte får av från grötvispen.
Idag är jag nästan helt återställd. Idag kan jag skratta och ha kul och vara nästan som vanligt. Jag har varit på flertalet fester där jag haft riktigt skoj. Det är en fantastisk känsla.
Om den kommer infinna sig när jag åker på lmt-reunion är dock en annan och knivig fråga. 

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2022-02-16 @ 11:38:32
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2022-05-08 @ 19:21:56
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Postat av: StevenPaurf

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2022-05-10 @ 19:53:04
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2022-05-11 @ 10:39:12
Postat av: Charleselite

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2022-05-24 @ 23:24:58
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2022-06-14 @ 00:55:36
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2022-06-22 @ 20:22:12
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2022-06-26 @ 17:50:19
Postat av: Williamsoica

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2022-07-08 @ 13:00:16
Postat av: StevenPaurf

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2022-07-11 @ 12:33:32
Postat av: Jamestum

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2022-07-26 @ 09:21:07
Postat av: Sharonsut

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2022-09-03 @ 09:35:00
Postat av: HenryInorN

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2022-09-09 @ 22:52:10
Postat av: Jamestum

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2022-09-14 @ 14:48:32
Postat av: CharlesFum

Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is a United States government office of which facilitates weekly payments to disabled under age sixty-five that are get offered a job resulting from a disabled reason. some of us could hope that the law are easily obtained for an handicapped individual to be inline for social securtiy money. Incredibly, the opposite is the case. Out of the infinite amount of Social Security Disability Insurance benefit requirement forms which are given to the SSA every minuet, a mere one-third will be accepted during the preceeding level of the provisioning process. It means a person will have to get an the best ssi attorney in San Elizario, TX to make it easy for you with the complexities of your case.  I have been a lawyer for 16 years while my sister is also a legal defender and is a professional of similar points of ssi legalease as other brother. In fact father and mother are also attorneys and our whole geneology is dedicated to helping to shield the rights of disabled children here in the usa and helping others in TX and NM. If you are a handicapped person from Mexico or have a associate or become aware of an individual that could use assistance with their ssdi benifits or needs to hire a ssi goverment lawyer if you could please take a checkout the site as there could be some important facts in it that can help youtrself or relatives.   bill gordon disability lawyer in San Elizario, TX

2022-09-24 @ 16:15:06
Postat av: Jamesrenna

special events photography has for a long time assumed a exceptional part of my life and in my wife's daily life. on Holidays  anyone could discover me with a thirty five milimeter professional camera in my posession taking photos of my childhood friends and pets, and the gorgeous locales infiltrating the small coastal locale off the north Virginia Bay where my relatives and I went to elementary school. The thing my uncle taught me scaled out to a much admired money making pastime which I gave up everything else for, studying editorial pictures and design photoshoots in the university.  Soon after, I started paving a demanding photography business in which beautiful nudges and character building energies had already started to take shape and show within my wedding photo work. For the foreseeable future I will be a full-time referenced and nominated Seattle Washington Wedding popular photographer and cover all the USA and international destinations. I am also a booked Seattle Washington business Photographer. If you get a chance share my beloved website to discover more about my business: Seattle Family Photographer

2022-09-27 @ 12:18:02
Postat av: Louismaw

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2022-09-30 @ 16:03:00
Postat av: EdwardAllem

Hello my name is Matt D'Agati. A bevy of people looking for a new job feel overwhelmed when expediting professional resume writing outfits constitutes a grounded nest egg and this is a fitting quandary, so we should first inventory a few of the garden variety aftermaths that Commenced with professionals that make the decision and use a on-the-ball professional resume midwife enterprise.
We should commence this discussion by referencing that a site for an job searching network referred to as Ladders, confirms that sending a resume hammered out by a resume drafting firm associated with any promoted job listing invigorate that woman's prospects of getting employed by 300%. Further, communicating a expertly written resume to virtually any online company vacancy position will increase that same applicant's fortunes of tracking down an chat by 81percent.

Wise men say, having an excellent resume that is infused by a verified resume writing firm delivers a syringe -sharp competitive flame to high level job seekers and notably administrative -level job seekers, it is almost every notable professional resume agent organization also creates powerful and effective social media profiles concomitantly worthy resumes. Kidding aside, going through securing a resume that is perfectly -written or properly engineered is perhaps the most imperative point of any job quest, and securing an equally stalwart Facebook presence is really somewhat less mandatory in the scheme of finding employment.matt d'agati

2022-10-18 @ 05:30:23
Postat av: WilliamCak

DUI allegations need complete total of the very skilled methods employed in criminal cases. protecting a OVI starts by understanding not any of one's constitutional rights are violated. Because a police officer is in direct contact with you, and they are essentially the only witnesses all of the time, the training and MO is of the formula. We all have mistakes, and the law are no exception. It all happens with common suspicion which can progress to obvious cause. For example, someone gets forced over for speeding at 5 AM. The cop has regular suspicion that the driver has created a traffic offense, racing. Now, when the police begins to start visual communication or leans in closer to your vehicle, he will utter you are showing red eyes, or there is an smell of liquor. This elevates the reasonable suspicion of recklessness to giving a cop a fact that you may be operating while under the influence. 99.9% of officers will say smell of liquor, blood shot eyes, or lazy speech. Law enforcement will also note you are rumaging around getting your id and insurance in your hand. At this point a person will be likely informed to get out of a auto and do standardized driving sobriety checks. Those are SFST’s are learned under NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) standardizations and must be instructed per instance. when you do perform the checks, the officer may make mistakes that can make the test, or tests excluded from evidence. Factors such as physical disabilities and the best field conditions can be factored amoung the results of your performance. (example: someone can’t perform a walk and turn test on uneven pavement). Someone will usually take a analkyzation of the breath test. There are mistakes in these gadgets as well, and they are machines that need to be maintained and specialized training on every day. The arrest is captured from the time the police activates their sirens. It is through this taped footage that we are able to inform an experienced choice on the police administration of the checks, to the clients ability taking the checks. Whether you consent to the tests or not, you may go to jail. If you have been arrested for Rape or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Attorney take a look at my website here: top Cincinnati Ohio dwi best regards

2022-11-02 @ 01:20:56
Postat av: Bitcoinpaict

Hello. Your chance to earn a lot!

2022-11-25 @ 20:46:28
Postat av: CharlesIonic

The truth is an individual accused with a crime will probably consider a sore deal, minus the expert services of a qualified attorney. Therefore, in the event that you or a member of family happens to be charged of carrying out a crime, do not stop to make contact with certainly one of our Orange county criminal defense attorneys experts. Our Staff We exclusively load all of our ranks because of the best law minds in the neighborhood. All of us of legal providers are particularly experienced in what the law states additionally the red tape which complicates a range of criminal arrest occurrences. Our criminal defense legal representatives are true professionals. These legal representatives should never pass personal judgment on a client faced with heinous criminal acts such as for example murder, rape and even child molestation. They need to and to the very best of their capability defend a customer which they might in actuality trust to be guilty associated with crime for which these are generally charged. Yet again, they have to put away particular viewpoints and opinions and represent a client that is faced with carrying out atrocious actions. Consequently, growing to be a criminal defense lawyer or attorney not only involves efforts and true character to defending every single man or woman's protection under the law provided underneath the law. Every circumstances exhibits a unique specific sets of difficulties regardless of which side of the court room your client is located. Through all sorts of law you will find advantages and disadvantages, however with criminal law most appear to simply look at cons. There's always the likelihood of a unlawful judgment of conviction, a mistrial at a really worthwhile case, and the risks of coping with really violent villain, certainly their own profession and differing criminal resources of large dollars. Many lawyers will concur that there was a long directory of minuses, or unfavorable feed-back that stick to the position, but the majority effective lawyers appear to be in a position to see beyond the tough words and measures, as they are in a position to look at good that is released of engaging in criminal law. The huge verdicts that furthermore confirm your valued clients pureness to your neighborhood, the range of the cases and clients, while the capability to be cross analyzing witnesses in the court room nearly every moment, are often regarded. Should you want to memorize more about this method content go visit our karate website: 496 d pc in and around Corona California

2023-01-29 @ 07:34:27
Postat av: MorganLiz

The job of a Trademark Firm in guarding IP.

Intellectual property is an important facet of any firm, since it represents the initial and unique creations, points, and technology of an organization. This could easily incorporate trademarks, patents, copyrights, plus trade strategies. Since the business community will continue to advance and build, it becomes progressively very important to providers to safeguard their IP and make certain it is not infringed on by others. That is where the role of a trademark solicitor becomes critical.

A trademark law firm is a law firm who focuses on trademark law and intellectual property protection. They give you qualified advice and guidance to businesses on all aspects of trademark law, including trademark application, enforcement, then court. By dealing with a trademark lawyer, businesses can make sure their ip is covered, and they are obliging along with pertinent legal guidelines.

Among the primary features of a trademark lawyer is always to help businesses secure their brand name identity. This is done by guiding the organization by the trademark registration techniques, that involves evaluating and registering trademarks because of the appropriate federal government agency. By registering a trademark, a company can legally protect its name brand, logo, along with other unique symbols, preventing others from with them without permission.

A trademark lawyer will also help businesses protect their trademarks from infringement. Infringement takes place when someone uses a trademark this is certainly comparable to one more current trademark, creating frustration amongst users then possibly diluting the worth of this classic trademark. A trademark lawyer can help in monitoring the application of trademarks, and certainly will provide assistance with just how to impose a trademark if infringement is discovered. They are able to also help businesses navigate the trademark clearance process, that involves conducting a search to find out if a trademark is present for usage, and when it really is comparable to any present trademarks.

Along with protecting trademarks, a trademark legal representative will also help businesses navigate the complex realm of ip shielding. They are able to help out with negotiating licenses and negotiations, and supply representation in court if required. It will help businesses avoid costly legal battles and settlements, and make certain that their intellectual property rights are protected.

Another essential role of a trademark representative would be to help businesses build a stronger trademark portfolio. This calls for providing help with the choice, clearance, and registration of trademarks, along with advising on trademark procedures and directions. A stronger trademark collection is a vital property for just about any business, since it helps you to protect their brand persona and means that their intellectual property is safe.

In the present computerized age, additionally, it is very important to companies to safeguard their trademarks into the virtual world. A trademark lawyer can help in going through overseas trademark shielding and observation trademarks to make sure their continued security. They are able to also help corporations get through the UNITED STATE Trademark department, and offer suggestions about trademark shielding in coming up markets.

One of many great things about working together with a trademark representative may be the price-benefit analysis of contracting one. Because there is a cost related to hiring a trademark representative, their abilities in ip protection can help to save enterprises from likely differences and high-priced drawbacks as time goes on. Furthermore, a trademark lattorney might help enterprises stay compliant with trademark legislation and regulations, both locally and in another country, and supply regular updates and notices all about any alterations in trademark laws that could impact the company.

In summary, the role of a trademark representative in safeguardin

2023-02-09 @ 19:34:30
Postat av: CharlesIonic

The truth is a person accused in a crime will probably create a bleak deal, minus the assistance of a reliable attorney. Therefore, in the event that you or a relative happens to be accused of committing a criminal activity, do not hesitate to contact certainly one of our Orange county criminal defense lawyer specialists. Our team We exclusively occupy our very own positions using the right legal intellects in the neighborhood. All of us of authorized pros have become proficient in what the law states additionally the bureaucratic procedure which complicates a total of offender lawsuits. Our criminal defense attorneys are true industry experts. These attorneys should never pass personal judgment on a client faced with terrible crimes such as for example murder, rape or even child molestation. They need to and also to the very best of their capability defend a customer whom they might personally imagine to be blameworthy associated with the crime for which they have been charged. Once again, they must put away particular values as well as sentiments and defend a customer which has been charged with carrying out indefinable actions. Which means, feeling a criminal defense attorney not merely will take labor however true character to defending every single man or woman's liberties awarded beneath the law. Every circumstances provides a unique distinct groups of obstacles despite which region of the court room any client sits. To all types of law you can find pros and cons, however with criminal law most seem to only look at cons. There's always the possibility of a inappropriate sentence, a mistrial at a really significant case, and the risks of working with really violent criminal, usually her living and differing criminal sourced elements of large revenue. Many counselors can easily concur that there is certainly more information on cons, plus unwanted views that accompany the job, but the majority prospering attorneys seem to be in a position to see through the tough words and practices, and are usually in a position to start to see the good that is released of doing criminal law. The great verdicts which additionally establish your potential clients pureness to your locality, the range of the cases and clients, and also the power to be cross investigating witnesses within the court room nearly every 24 hours, are often thought about. Should you want to learn more about it matter take a look at my online store: best car accident lawyer los angeles around Rancho Cucamonga California

2023-02-17 @ 00:18:59
Postat av: Michaelram

The many benefits of Using the services of an accountancy company or Bookkeeping Firm for a lawyer and a genuine Real Estate Skilled professional

Law offices and real property professionals encounter hundreds unique issues in terms of monitoring their money. From clerking and tax readying to money reporting and investigations, these lenders must stay on top of their economic procedures to maintain consistency, adhere to legal guidelines, and multiply. Taking on an accounting organization or book keeping service provider can offer multiple benefits for law firms and realty specialists, serving them to conquer these types of difficulties plus boost their general economical efficiency.

To law offices, freelancing their very own bookkeeping features to a specialist company can offer a wide array of advantages, like increased efficacy furthermore quality, limited concerns or workload, and professional advice and direction. One of the most significant great things about selecting an bookkeeping agency or bookkeeping firm for an attorney is enhanced effectiveness and reliability. A professional accountancy firm are capable of all budgeting plans, along with bookkeeping, tax readying, and financial coverage, freeing up law practice personnel to pay attention to their core projects. This could in addition lower the danger of normal errors, making certain all finance info is correct and updated.

Another essential advantage of freelancing accounting system tasks to an expert company is paid off stress and workload. Law firm force in many cases come across peak amounts of anxiety and workload, specifically for the time of preoccupied period of time such as for example tax spring or perhaps end of 365 days investment reporting. An bookkeeping firm or book keeping company can help to convenience this pressure by managing all financial assignments, reducing the worry and tasks of your law practice personnel department.

Qualified advice additionally recommendation is yet another leading good thing about using an Quick Books business or accounting enterprise for an attorney. A seasoned accountancy firm can offer law offices with professional advice and help with financial factors, aiding these individuals build well informed judgments, improve their financial results, and create their particular long term financing plans. This may entail financial support to financial planning, tax planning, and compliance along with relevant legal guidelines.

Along with this kind of importance, an accountant service provider or clerking enterprise may also deliver law offices together with usage of the most recent technological advances and tools for quick books and accounting. It will help law offices enhance their unique loan systems, decrease manual slip ups, then boost their total loan functioning. The company may also give improved data security, ensuring that any finance information is securely stashed away as well as secured through online provocations.

Land professionals in addition work with many fiscal dilemmas, and obtaining an bookkeeping firm or book keeping organization can offer countless rewards for those small businesses nicely. Increased efficiency and accuracy is among the crucial advantages of offsite accounting options to a professional firm the real deal properties pros. A seasoned bookkeeping firm are capable of most financial work, for instance accounting, tax organizing, and monetary revealing, releasing up real estate industry experts to pay attention to specific main requirements.

Another important advantageous asset of freelancing bookkeeping features to a specialist corporation the real deal real-estate workers is declined emotional stress and tasks. Real estate professionals usually undertake exaggerated levels of concerns and work, extremely especially during active stretches such as for instance taxing time period or annum loan stating. An Cost accounting strong or Record-keeping service company will help facilitate that concern by approaching all financial functions, decreasing the stre

2023-02-19 @ 21:53:49
Postat av: Michaelclact

The advantages of Hiring an bookkeeping company or accounting Firm for an attorney and an actual Real Estate Specialist

Law firms and real-estate masters encounter countless one-of-a-kind challenges with regards to controlling their financials. From clerking and tax prep to spending reporting additionally comparison, these lenders must remain on top of these finance functioning to steadfastly keep up equilibrium, adhere to requirements, and become. Getting an accounting business or accounting firm can offer plenty of rewards for law offices and real property providers, helping them to conquer all difficulties as well as boost their as a whole budgeting capability.

Of law offices, contracting out his accounting functionality to a specialist firm can offer a wide number of benefits, like much better effectivity plus precision, decreased tension plus work, and qualified advice and hints and tips. One of many advantages of using the services of an accounting company or bookkeeping firm for a lawyer is advanced performance and reliability. A professional accountant firm are capable of all financing things, incorporating accounting, tax organization, and loan exposure, clearing up law practice personnel to focus on their core obligations. This could additionally reduce steadily the danger of information errors, ensuring that all budgeting info is correct furthermore existing.

Another essential good thing about outsourced workers totalling work to a specialist organization is reduced stress and work. Law practice personnel in many cases experience superior quantities of concerns to work, especially in the time of crowded time period such as for example tax season or possibly year endeconomic reporting. An accountant organization or accounting company will help alleviate this burden by holding all finance jobs, reducing the tension and business tasks over law practice force.

Qualified advice furthermore support is yet another principal good thing about selecting an accountancy firm or book keeping agency for a law firm. A professional accountancy firm can provide law offices with qualified advice and assistance with money concerns, supporting him or her generate well informed actions, boost their monetary results, additionally accomplish any lasting money plan. This may encompass financial support and financing preparing, tax prepping, and compliance along with relevant legal guidelines.

Along with these types results, an accounting firm or accounting corporation may also create law offices through use of the most recent technological advances and apps for accounting and accountancy. It will help law offices streamline their own money processes, reduce hand-operated issues, to enhance their entire finance functioning. The enterprise may also produce improved data security, making sure pretty much all budgeting information is properly collected or defended through virtual perils.

Home industry experts at the same time undertake several loan problems, and also obtaining an accountancy firm or accounting institution can offer so many rewards for these agencies as well. Made better efficiency and consistency is among the principal benefits of outsourcing CPA processes to an expert firm the real deal real-estate experts. A skilled accounting firm can handle every money errands, in particular clerking, tax preparing, and finance stating, freeing up properties workers to spotlight any main jobs.

Another essential advantage of contracting out accountant features to an expert group the real deal realty providers is declined stress and anxiety and work. Real property specialists in many cases deal with higher amounts of fatigue then work, particularly from the course of pre-occupied period of time such as for example taxing time period or end-of-year loan reporting. An Auditing service company or Bookkeeping company can help soothe this one load by approaching all financing assignments, reducing the hassle plus employment of realty workers.

Professional advice additionally support is another primary

2023-04-04 @ 22:50:04

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